CS373 Fall 2020: Michael Liu

Michael Liu
2 min readOct 4, 2020

What did you do this past week?

This past week I didn’t really do anything. I finished my part of the Software Engineering project and completed the rest of my schoolwork and assignments but other than that it had been a really slow week.

What’s in your way?

This week recruiting really “got in my way”. I had to spend a lot of time scheduling, preparing, and interviewing as well as working on coding challenges and reaching out to recruiters. It really cluttered up my life and my schedule this week.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will do the same things I did this week. I will work on and complete my projects and school assignments, I will recruit, I will make an effort to exercise more than I did this week, and I will try to spend some more time outside.

If you read it, what did you think of Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?

I have not read it yet.

What was your experience of iterators, reduce(), and tuple?

I have worked with iterators, reduce() and tuples before so I am relatively experienced with them. What we have covered in class has more or less been a review of information that I already knew but it was still useful to go over it again.

What’s it like working in a group?

Working in a group is nice. I am already familiar with the people in my group so there is no awkwardness there. We are all simply able to benefit from the varying expertises that we bring to the group in an effort to complete our project as efficiently and with as high of quality that we are able to.

What was your experience of the team contract?

The team contract is useful, it clearly lays out both individual and group responsibilities and the consequences if those responsibilities aren't met.

What was your experience of the peer review?

I can see the practicality and necessity of a peer review but I think that it would also be useful if we were able to share our “improvement” tips with one another that we wrote down in the review.

What made you happy this week?

I’m happy that the week is over.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is that you can use a plug-in in Sublime (a text editor) to format and validate json files. The name of this plug-in is “Pretty JSON” and I have used it extensively this last week when working with json data files for our static web pages.

